Image of a man, woman and child standing on a beach looking out to a small boat heading away

This year, more than ever, Christmas is going to feel different for people.

2020 has been a very different year, already people are feeling anxious about where we might be by December in terms of Covid-19. Already people have been drawn in by circumstances both near and far with issues such as Black Lives Matter, climate change, loneliness and the situation of refugees. Yet as Christians, Christmas should be seen as a time of hope, of expectation and of looking forward.

We recognise that many of us feel we are living in a 'strange land' at the moment and sometimes life does not feel just quite as it was – thus the feeling of being a 'stranger'.

Alternativity began with a belief in two concepts often hidden during Advent: Just God, Simply Christmas. Over the years it has looked at ways in which to keep the meaning of Christmas true to the original story yet not forgetting the celebration. It has tackled pertinent issues with a wider ethical, moral and global perspective through the lens of justice.

The Most Revd Mark Strange

The Most Revd Mark Strange

Advent 1

Called to reach out into Loneliness

When Covid prevented us from visiting friends and family, who did we turn to? Did we discover… read on

Manish Joshi

Manish Joshi

Advent 2

Mary’s song : Reverberating through the generations

In recent months all of us have lived in a 'strange land'. Our minds have had to cope with thoughts… read on

Fiona Kendall

Fiona Kendall

Advent 3

Journey to the Unknown

Mary and Joseph journeyed, while many of us have been forced to stay at home. Or maybe just… read on

Kathy Galloway

Kathy Galloway

Advent 4

No Safe Exile

Covid made many people avoid going to workplaces and avoid crowds. But wherever we were I think we… read on

Very Rev Susan Brown

Very Rev Susan Brown

Christmas Day

Welcome to the world

Many people say things will never go back to the way they were before Covid-19. That doesn't have to… read on